New dressing for this vintage rocking chair for a children bedroom – fabric Les tissus d’Ursule – piping realised with a contrasting canvas

Decorative cushions couple – Vintage Wax fabric – green piping by Passementeries d’Ile de France

All the decorative cushions are realised with cotton percale and can be re-used later
Berlingot cushions (matching the bedcover Suzon & ses frères)

Bench cushion matching the curtains (see the tab “Curtains”) – fabric AMARA –Casal Tissus– & wool piping TWEED by Houlès–

As part of our eco-responsible approach, fabric scraps left over after refurbishing a chair or armchair can be used to make decorative cushions (yardage permitting)
Mattress cushion for a bench embedded in book shelves (removable cover), with matching decorative cushion
Tissu Blueberry “Linara” –Romo–
Design & realisation : E Moreau (MHDéco Versailles)

Cushion for entrance bench (removable cover)
Linen & cotton fabric Blueberry “Linara” by Romo
Design & realisation : E Moreau (MHDéco Versailles)
Cushions for entrance bench (the whole with removable covers)
Yellow fabric BoConcept – Febric Peking Blu “Linara” –Romo–
Furniture design : AS Pawlas (MHDéco Montrouge)